Our Mission

To support the”At Risk” schools and communities within the Diapora of Grenada, by supplying educational tools, medical aid, sports and social welfare.

How we Serve

We create an environment where the “Haves” take care of the “Have Nots”. By doing so we hope to foster a culture of social responsibility and brotherly love one village at a time.

Become a Volunteer

Contact us to find out just how you can make a difference in a child’s life

vist to Beaulieau RC

About Us

Grenada Veterans Of Foreign Services

GVOFS was founded on the idea of helping those in need. We believe in one Grenada, one people, and one community. This fundation is made up entirely of selfless individuals who are proud of Grenada and are willing to invest in the future of our children and our nation, as we proceed into the 22nd century. There is a distinct difference between GVOFS and other organizationsm in that we put our people first before any personal goals.

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Our Donations

Presentation Brothers College

The GVOFS made a first donation in September to the children in Stone Street in Westerhall where one of them lives, as well as to the Beaulieu RC School – their almamater. .

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Grenadians Give To Students

The latest manifestations of this are two Grenadians, Joseph Grainger and Adrian Penny. Earlier this week they distributed school supplies to needy students just in time for the opening of the new school year.

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Overcomed by Emotions

A Form 1 student of the St. David’s Catholic Secondary School (SDCSS) was overcome with emotions last week Wednesday upon receiving a pleasant but shocking surprise.Shauneil Matherson burst into tears.

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